
KD Brickwork  is a fast growing company.

We understand that some customers may want additional peace of mind . The reason why we have chosen to give you a list with some of our clients who you can contact to prove our work talks for itself and come at high standard  in both Commercial and residential  brickwork sector we aim to providing a quality service.

“Great service from this company”

“Would use again”

“Would recommend to other main contractors”

Here is a list of some construction companies who used our services in the past and continues to use KD Brickwork  through quality services.

  • Keningtons Chartered Surveyors
  • Stack London LTD
  • Elliotts
  • Associate Installation LTD
  • Hira Construction D&B LTD
  • Bolt and Heeks
  • Haynes & Smith LDD
  • Apex building Solution
  • Helix Contracts


For more information or advice
Call 0208 903 1165